Mental Health & Addiction Recovery in Georgia

Saint Simons By the Sea Behavioral Health is a behavioral health care hospital on scenic Saint Simons Island, located in the Golden Isles of South Georgia. Our services include inpatient detox, acute rehab, crisis stabilization, and intensive outpatient programs. We are by the sea and by your side for psychiatric and substance use disorder treatment.

A family enjoys a sunny day at the beach, sitting together with a child, creating joyful memories by the ocean.

Inpatient and Outpatient Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Programs for Adolescents, Adults and Military Families

Treatment & Services

Adult Mental Health Treatment

Adult Substance Use Treatment

Adolescent Mental Health Treatment

Adolescent Substance Use Treatment

Women’s Program

Military Treatment Program

Our Treatment Programs

Saint Simons By-The-Sea is a 101-bed, acute behavioral health hospital offering inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment for adults, adolescents and seniors. We have been serving Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas since 1982 in a serene setting on Saint Simons Island. Our location provides privacy and anonymity, enabling patients to concentrate on treatment.

Behavioral Health Conditions We Treat

If you wish to learn more about mental health and substance abuse issues, we’ve provided a glossary with mental health and drug terminology for everything we treat here at Saint Simons By-The-Sea.

We hope that you find what you need to get yourself or a loved one on the path to recovery.


For most adults, moderate alcohol use is not harmful. However, nearly 17.6 million adults in the United States are alcoholics or have alcohol problems. Alcoholism is a disease with four main features:
  • Craving: a strong need to drink
  • Loss of control: not being able to stop drinking once you’ve begun
  • Physical dependence: withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating or shakiness after stopping drinking
  • Tolerance: the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to get “high”
Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness. People who have it experience dramatic mood swings. They may go from overly energetic, “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again. They often have normal moods in between. The up feeling is called mania. The down feeling is depression.

Bipolar disorder can run in families. It usually starts in late adolescence or early adulthood. If you think you may have it, tell your healthcare provider. A medical checkup can rule out other illnesses that might cause your mood changes. Untreated bipolar disorder can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance and even suicide. However, there are effective treatments: medicines and “talk therapy.” A combination usually works best.
Get Help For Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Cocaine Abuse & Addiction

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain.

There are basically two chemical forms of cocaine: hydrochloride salt and freebase. The hydrochloride salt, or powdered form of cocaine, dissolves in water and, when abused, can be taken intravenously (by vein) or intra-nasally (in the nose). Freebase refers to a compound that has not been neutralized by an acid to make the hydrochloride salt. The freebase form of cocaine is smokable.
Get Addiction Treatment Today

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a complex but treatable brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive drug craving, seeking and use that persist even in the face of severe adverse consequences. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. In fact, relapse to drug abuse occurs at rates similar to those for other well-characterized, chronic medical illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. As a chronic, recurring illness, addiction may require repeated treatments to increase the intervals between relapses and diminish their intensity until abstinence is achieved. Through treatment tailored to individual needs, people with drug addiction can recover and lead productive lives.
Get Help For Drug Addiction

Heroin Abuse & Addiction

Heroin is an addictive drug, and its use is a serious problem in America.
Heroin Addiction Signs & Symptoms


Methamphetamine is a very addictive stimulant drug. It can be smoked, injected, inhaled or taken by mouth. It has many street names, such as speed, meth and chalk. Methamphetamine hydrochloride, the crystal form inhaled by smoking, is referred to as ice, crystal, glass and tina.

Methamphetamine affects the brain and can create feelings of pleasure, increase energy and elevate mood. Abusers may become addicted quickly, needing higher doses more often. Adverse health effects include irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure and a variety of psychological problems. Long-term effects may include severe behavioral health disorders, memory loss and severe dental problems.
Methamphetamine Use & Addiction Effects, Signs and Symptoms

Physical Abuse

Domestic violence is a type of abuse. It involves injuring someone, usually a spouse or partner, but it can also be a parent, child or other family member.

Domestic violence is a serious problem. It is the most common cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44. Victims may suffer physical injuries such as bruises or broken bones. They may suffer emotionally from depression, anxiety or social isolation.

It is hard to know exactly how common domestic violence is, because people often don’t report it. There is no typical victim. It happens among people of all ages. It affects those of all levels of income and education.

Get Help for Domestic Violence

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is one form of child abuse. It includes a wide range of actions between a child and an adult or older child. Often, these involve body contact, but not always. Exposing one’s genitals to children or pressuring them for sex is sexual abuse. Using a child for pornography is also sexual abuse.

Most sexual abusers know the child they abuse. They may be family friends, neighbors or babysitters. About one-third of abusers are related to the child. Most abusers are men. If you think a child may have been abused, it’s important to report it.
Know the Signs of Sexual Abuse

Teen Depression

Depression can be a temporary response to many situations and stresses. In adolescents, depressed mood is common because of the normal maturation process, the stress associated with it, the influence of sex hormones and independence conflicts with parents.

Persistent depressed mood, faltering school performance, failing relations with family and friends, substance abuse and other negative behaviors may indicate a serious depressive episode. These symptoms may be easy to recognize, but depression in adolescents often starts very differently than these classic symptoms.
Teen Depression Treatment Options

Care That Puts You First

Inpatient and outpatient treatment programs for youth, adults, substance use and veterans. PHP, IOP and Virtual IOP options.

Our Location

Saint Simons By-The-Sea is a 101-bed, acute behavioral health hospital offering inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance use disorder treatment for adults, adolescents and seniors. We have been serving Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas since 1982 in a serene setting on Saint Simons Island. Our location provides privacy and anonymity, enabling patients to concentrate on treatment.

Entrance to St. Simons By The Sea on a sunny day

We’re ready – and so are you.

Call Us at 800-821-7224 to schedule a no-cost, confidential assessment anytime, 24 hours a day,
7 days a week

A woman embraces her elderly mother as they sit on the porch in front of their home

“Saint Simons By-The-Sea was a potential lifesaver for me. Now it is up to me to follow my plan for recovery. I was having anxiety and started to check out early in treatment, but my doctor worked with me and would not let me give up. You have a great program and staff! Thank you!”

-Former Saint Simons By-The-Sea patient

Patient Satisfaction

4.57 / 5
I was treated with dignity and respect
4.68 / 5
I feel better now than when I was admitted
4.60 / 5
Overall I was very satisfied with my treatment

* Data based on patients surveyed between July-December 2024.

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